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Can My Roofer Really Eat the Deductible? Unveiling the Truth

Can My Roofer Really Eat the Deductible? Unveiling the Truth


You’ve just noticed that your roof needs some serious attention. Perhaps it’s a few missing shingles, water spots on your ceiling, or just general wear and tear over time. You’ve done your homework, researched roofing companies, and finally, you’ve settled on a reputable roofer to fix the issue. But, they’ve made an offer that has piqued your curiosity – they claim they can “eat” your insurance deductible. Is this too good to be true, or is it a legitimate practice? In this article, we’ll explore the truth behind the concept of roofers “eating” your deductible.

Understanding the Roofing Deductible

Before diving into the details, let’s make sure we understand what a roofing deductible is. In the context of homeowners’ insurance, a deductible is the amount of money you’re responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in to cover the rest of the costs associated with repairing or replacing your roof. Deductibles can vary, but they typically range from $500 to $2,000 or more, depending on your policy and insurance provider.

The Promise: “We Can Eat Your Deductible”

Some roofing companies, in an attempt to secure your business, may promise to “eat” or “waive” your deductible. This means they are offering to absorb the cost of your deductible, effectively reducing your out-of-pocket expenses for the roof repair or replacement. It may sound enticing, but it’s essential to examine the legitimacy of this practice and consider the implications.

The Truth About “Eating” the Deductible

  1. It May Violate the Law: In many states, offering to “eat” a homeowner’s insurance deductible is considered illegal. These laws are in place to prevent unethical practices and insurance fraud. Homeowners who knowingly participate in such schemes may find themselves facing legal consequences.
  2. Ethical Concerns: Even in states where it’s not explicitly illegal, waiving or covering a deductible raises ethical concerns. It can lead to inflated invoices, as the roofer may adjust their pricing to compensate for the “eaten” deductible. This practice can be seen as a way to deceive insurance companies and artificially inflate the cost of services.
  3. Increased Premiums: If your roofing contractor “eats” your deductible, your insurance company may still record the original, higher cost of the repair or replacement. This can potentially lead to an increase in your future insurance premiums, making the offer less advantageous in the long run.
  4. Shoddy Workmanship: Roofers who promise to cover your deductible might cut corners to recoup the lost money. Quality may suffer, leading to subpar workmanship and potential future issues with your roof.

The Bottom Line

While the idea of a roofer “eating” your deductible might seem like a good deal at first glance, it’s essential to approach such offers with caution and skepticism. The potential legal and ethical ramifications, along with the possibility of subpar workmanship, make this practice less appealing. Instead, focus on selecting a reputable and trustworthy roofing contractor based on their qualifications, reputation, and the quality of their work.

When it comes to roofing, prioritize a professional, transparent, and ethical approach. Always consult your insurance provider to understand your policy’s terms and conditions and be vigilant when selecting a roofing company. In the end, the peace of mind and quality workmanship will provide a more significant and lasting benefit than any short-term cost savings.